We live in a world where bragging about how much you can drink is considered to be cool but is it always like that? What about our other cool friends who sadly can’t always match up to your drinking capacity or get even remotely close to it? Well, they aren’t always a party pooper! They are the ones who are constantly nagged by the ‘oh so cool’ alcohol tankers. For all the two-drink wonders out there, we are sure you’ve faced these seven situations in your life and we feel you!
1) They begrudge how little you gotta spend
When you go for alco-shopping with your buddies (read drinking enthusiasts) and you see the gaze of jealousy in their eyes because you have to shell out almost less than half of what they spend. Buuuurrnnn!
2) Two drinks and you’re happy but but BUT they are faaarrr from it
Half way down your first drink, you get into a ridiculously good mood and you laugh at almost everything while your friends around stare at you and make fun of you. But hey! Who cares?
3) Emotions overloaded
That moment when all your friends are just about to pick up their pace at drinking but you’re already so wasted that you have so much to talk about, it drives them crazy and they don’t want you to talk anymore.
4) The curse to drink all night
Bro, that ‘happy’ place that you plan to reach at 2 am; I was there at about an hour ago! Now let me enjoy that buzz and don’t kill my vibe… Thank you very much!
5) The dancing machine
You’ve had a little more than your 2… three drinks… It’s gonna be an epic night! The shoes have come off and you’re ready to shake it. Then you realize that your really, really slow friends are watching you like doting parents of a 2-year old about to give his first dance performance ever. Grooaaannn!
6) You pass out & that’s when the action begins
You hit your happy place at 9 pm, really happy at 10 and by 12 you spent all your alcohol-fuelled energy! But your really annoying bum chums somehow have their best fights or most awesome admissions of love only 5 hours after you passed the h*ll out! That feeling of always missing out on the good stuff… you know what that feels like!
7) Hunger attack
At a certain point during your fun-filled evening, everything in the entire world magically melts away and is reduced to just food. And you have to bare the crappy abuses from your friends for finishing up the snacks!
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