Weird things guys do while taking a shower!


Okay, let’s take this bro-to-bro (women who are reading this should probably have an open mind before proceeding further).

We all have our own little secret lives that we’re afraid of sharing with anyone and admit it, we are afraid that if people get to know even a tiny part of it – we will be judged like there’s no tomorrow (because all those secrets are simply weird)! Talking about ‘weird’, here’s a list of weird things guys do while taking a shower!

1. Pee – Yep, as disgusting as it may sound, guys do that! It may or may not be a regular phenomenon but it’s safe to assume that it DOES happen.


2. Make lather bombs with the shampoo on our hair – That’s kind of juvenile but who cares. There’s no one watching us!


3. Fantasise (a lot) – Shower is the only place where men experience total solitude without caring about anything! And yes imagination plays an extremely important role to let a little bit of steam off our…..let’s just say heads!


4. Stay blank & waste time – Staying in the shower for those extra minutes doing absolutely nothing is another thing men love to do! Sometimes we are just not ready to step out and face the cruel world!


5. Panic – When we crave for a hot shower and suddenly realise that the hot water is running out and there’s only luke warm water, boy oh boy – hell brakes lose! We go into a panic mode thinking we might just freeze in a few minutes!


6. Embrace their inner Beyonce – Yeah, we love to sing privately for sure if not publicly. We might just start signing the shadiest songs and feel extremely happy about it.


7. Think about beer – Men love beer! And with a bucket of fried chicken along would make life perfect! Some of us even HAVE beer while taking a shower. Awesome, innit?


8. Poop (sometimes in the middle of the shower) – Guys are the ultimate poop-masters and they’re not really ashamed of admitting/talking about it! Running out to take a dump while in the middle of a shower is rare for us but not like it doesn’t happen, EVER!


9. Re-thinking our life decisions – *sigh* We sometimes get into this pensive mode that makes us reconsider a lot of serious sh*t about our lives. Believe us, it ain’t a good thing!


10. Pretending to be a superhero – Water bombs, trying to collect water in our palms and throwing it everywhere like a boss! TheIron Manin us suddenly takes a new avatar!


11. Check out our own body – Yep, that prerogative isn’t just for the ladies! We too can stand in front of the mirror for a substantial amount of time while in the shower to check ourselves out. We also flex our muscles from time to time.


12. Gargle with the shower water – Filling up our mouths with the shower water and spraying it out in slo-mo is something that keeps us amused throughout!


13. Try different hairstyles – Sometimes wet hair gives us deep inspiration about various hair styles we can try out! Sh*t happens once we step out and realise that the style was probably an illusion since you just can’t get it right anymore! Bummer!


14. Play with the hand shower – Some might imagine themselves to be Sylvester Stallone from Rambo and some take the hand showers for a stage mic! Bottom line – hand showers are meant to be played with!


All gif’s sourced from – Source

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