Up, up and away! And that’s how Mother Targaryen killed it in Game of Thrones Episode 9!


Let’s admit it; the entire world was thrilled with last week’s installment of Game of Thrones (episode 8) as the Whitewalkers came snarling down the mountains destroying almost half the wildlings’ army. As the winter approached in the north, our beloved kingdoms of the south had a different story to tell. Take a look at a flash back of the latest episode and what made it so awesome!

Spoilers ahead OBVIOUSLY!

1. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 – ‘The Dance of Dragons’ concluded with a beautiful, like never before, twist in the end as Khaleesi gave her fans something to look forward to (finally the woman has started to make sense)! Yes, her free dragon named ‘Drogon’ saved the day (and his mother) while in an attack by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen! We bet the moment when she mounts Drogon and flees away from the fighting arena stole the hearts of millions around the world! Long live Khaleesi! Now get the other two children out (It’s about time).

PS – While all this happened, did we mention that Hizdahr zo Loraq got murdered by the Sons of the Harpy? Dang! Was a good man, that one!


2. Stannis Baratheon – We dislike you (read HATE). Who sets his own daughter on fire for an Iron Throne? Our hearts were shattered when Lady Melisandre torched up the pyre with Princess Shireen tied to it. Game of Thrones has showed us how bad/inhuman people can really be! Well atleast, Stannis got a little dose by the Boltons in the beginning of the episode where Ramsay with an army of 20 raided their tents and lit up their horses. Good move boy! Next time, go for Melisandre! She’s the cunning counselor that will surely take Stannis down one day.


3. Jon Snow makes it back to the wall (with the wildlings) – Yes, Lord commander Jon Snow made it back with the left over army of wildlings to prepare for a bigger battle with the Whitewalkers. We’d love to see that now, won’t we? Alliser Thorne seemed a bit reluctant in opening the gates for them at first, but does it anyway. God knows what’s in store for this new union between the two arch enemies!


4. Little Arya sure has something on her mind. Her role in the last episode wasn’t very clear regarding what she really wanted, but we definitely know there’s something plotting in her little head! The thin-man isn’t one of her biggest concerns right now!


5. Jamie Lannister’s daughter is finally getting home! With Jamie and Bronn declared free by Prince Doran, now the reunited father and daughter are set to go back to King’s Landing joined by the prince of Dorne Trystane Martell who is to wed Jamie’s daughter!


Well that’s it for now! Stay tuned for a round up of the series and what to look forward to in SEASON 6! Yes, we are working on feeding your thriller cravings already!  

Image courtesy: HBO

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