Top foods you should eat this summer


Wondering what are the top foods you should eat this summer? We suggest, skip the ice cream and reach for healthy foods to cool down your body. Take a quick look at our top picks that will surely make your summer flavourful and nourish your body at the same time.

It’s that time of the year when there’s an abundance of fresh produce. During summers, the thought of healthy food runs through our mind very often. Although, summer is synonymous with frozen desserts, chilled beers but it is essential to take proper care of your body.

Experts say that cooling foods help to clear toxins from the body and offer great health benefits. If you tend to spend a lot of time under sun, make your regular diet healthy.

Here are some of our favourite top foods you should eat this summer.

Comes with tons of benefits, cucumbers help you stay hydrated during the hotter months. When looking for some instant relief from the heat, snack on some cucumber slices or prepare a green juice with lots of cucumber and lemon to stay cool.

You will be doing your body a great favour if you develop watermelon fixation during summers. This fruit is an absolute must-have to push the fluid intake as it comprises of over 90% water.

Image Source: 1. Cucumber, 2. Watermelon, 3. Peaches, 4. Grilled vegetables, 5. Iced Tea, 6. Strawberries and blueberries

Considered as the die-friendly dessert, this seasonal pick contains vitamins A and C. Apart from being cool, peaches will make your skin glow.

Grilled vegetables
Always keep a plate of grilled veggies such as onions, bell peppers, carrots, asparagus, etc handy during summer months to satiate your hunger pangs.

We know that sunscreen is your first choice for defence against the blazing summer sun. But eating tomatoes will help in the protection of the skin from sunburn.

Iced Tea
A glass of iced tea on a hot summer day is a great refresher and it also lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Studies show that tea is rich in flavonoids irrespective of its variety such as green or black.

Ranging in colour from yellow to dark green, Zucchini is a type of summer squash. Considered as one of the best summer foods, zucchini helps promote the production of collagen and protects body from free radicals as well.

Packed with protein, yoghurt is meant for summer eating. Go for yoghurt brands that are high in protein and low in fat. It helps your digestive system run smooth.

Strawberries and blueberries
Filled with flavonoids, they are powerful diseases fighters. They helps to enhance the blood flow to skin and lower the sensitivity to light.

Barley water
This is rich in fibre and helps in the prevention of constipation during summers. You can add honey or lemon to a glass of barley water to enhance the taste.

So, hog on fresh fruits, vegetables as they make your tummy feel light. It will also give you energy to beat the summer heat and make you look gorgeous without makeup.

Also Read: Know about the coolest makeup tips for summer 2015


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