Dear men, we know shopping with your lady is never easy and there is no way to get out of it. You’d do a thousand other things rather than going shopping with them and it’s alright, all men feel that way. But this guy, Steve Vengas, came up with a brilliant idea for a game, a game basically for men to enjoy the forced shopping trips. So, the game is easy, all you’ve to do is to dress up as the mannequin where you and your woman are shopping at. You can surprise your better half and make her feel awkward, maybe? But it’s funny ‘cause who would’ve ever thought, right? Take a look at the pictures and see what we’re talking about!
Source and the man behind the genius idea: gapmannequinproject.tumblr.com
Oh also, the game is not just restricted to men but you know, if women start doing this with every mannequin, they’d try ‘em all and they might just buy ‘em all! We can’t deal with that horror!