Summer is officially here and just like our wardrobe, the makeup bag is going through a transition as well. It’s not just the makeup colours that need to change but the application and product type need to be in sync with the weather too. Here’s a list of summer makeup trends in 2015 that will help you brave the summer heat while looking fabulous.
#1 Nude glow
Remember Sansa Stark’s glow from Game of Thrones? This summer is all about it, but make sure you keep it earthy. Go for neutrals, peachy and orange tones to get the perfect look.
#2 Fresh feminine baby doll look
Summer is all about looking fresh so if in doubt go for light pink cheeks, wide-eyed mascara and soft pink lips. Apply the mascara in the middle of the lashes to create those innocent doll-like eyes.
#3 Poppy lips
The one makeup product that you can hold in summer is lip colour so go for a bright pop on the lips. Try vibrant shades of berry and red.
#4 Swap the shadow for the liner
If your liner feels too heavy on the eyes in summer try swooping eye shadow instead with an angled brush. Dip the brush in water, apply eye-shadow and swoop it along the eyelid line to create subtle shapes.
Take a look at this video by Mixed Makeup that should serve as your holy guide to spring summer makeup trends in 2015.