Six things every guy in their early twenties can relate to!


This one is about the things every guy in their early twenties can relate to and if you have crossed that road, well, let’s just look back in the past and feel great about the times you spent with your squad. The days in college and landing into the age of twenty, that feeling was something but the things didn’t really change much till the time life came holding chilled beer and told you, go out there and do what all the guys of your age are doing! And saying that by experience, these are going to be the best years of your life so far if you do it right. And if you’re doing it right, here are the seven things every guy in their twenties can relate to!  


#1 Confused with too many career options on the list!

In this age, when people are so deep into the cut-throat competition for getting a job, there were and still are many guys who had too many options to choose from and many times we were tumbling between turning into a writer, actor, journalist or a traveller. Some of us will end up where we have actually dreamt of and some will move further with more options or maybe just maybe end up handling family’s business. But wherever you start, make sure to experiment with career options. It’ll help you find what you actually want to do. You know it.



#2 Experimental flings 

Aaaand talking about experimenting things, flings kind of rhymes with it. You know where this is going and it probably reminds you of the experiments you’ve done or have been a part of. Be proud and explore. You have complete life ahead you to experience love. Here’s to the good times that are in the past and the experiences coming in near future!



#3 Drinking and partying

Drinking and partying. Two words that sum up weekend plans for many guys and we ain’t complaining. Some of us have even given names to our favourite wine and beer shops. Yes, we have favourite wine and beer shops too. Don’t underestimate the guys who have no other plans than drinking and partying.



#4 Impromptu road trips

We can’t speak for everyone but ourselves and according to us, impromptu road trips are one of the best things to be a part of for every guy in their early twenties. And they are best when happening with your guy friends. You’ll know what we are talking about when you hit the road and for those who’ve been through this, we know the smile on your face right now.



#5 Tripping on overconfidence

Don’t you deny, guys, overconfidence has always been a part of you. We’re not really talking academics but everything. From bets of having the most vodka shots to going up to a girl and talking to her, we will give into it and give our best to ace it. Now, yes, overconfidence is a bad thing but sometimes it gives you courage to take the decisions that turn into incredible stories to tell. True story.



#6 Unnecessary expenditure on things you don’t need

Um, to be honest, this still happens. And are we going to stop? Not likely. But do we cry and curse our luck when we run out of money to spend on things that actually matter? Always. But that’s what every guy in their early twenties are all about. Doing things that hardly matter but are fun and turn into memories to live by while you grow missing those years.



Guys, if you’re turning twenty or have already hit that mark, we suggest you take notes from this post and get inspired to do some crazy things! We’d love to hear some epic stories!

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