We all love girlfriends, we mean our own girlfriends, of course. They know us better than anyone, that’s true. They’ll catch you if you’re lying and what will happen next could be termed as different levels of torture. And the very next moment you’d do things that might make you look stupid as hell, but got to get your girl back to normal because priorities! All in all, you’d give it everything to have your better half smiling and happy. Now, don’t read this with your girlfriend beside you, we don’t want to be the reason for what goes down after or while you’re reading this post. Every boyfriend in the world sometimes cribs because there are some things that girlfriends do (repeatedly) that just do not make any sense in a man’s world.
Check these five girlfriend problems that make every boyfriend crib!
#1 They make you wait
You know, when you’re waiting for your girlfriend and time passes by and you figure out something to do just to kill time. You, of course, keep looking at your watch and years have passed, you finally make a call to her and she tells you she still can’t figure what to wear! Let us enlighten you, dear friend; “time” has no meaning in a girl’s life when it comes to clothes or dressing up.
#2 The ‘where have you been’ calls
If your friend circle is small, there are only few people who text or call you. Who else can it be other than the people from the bank, your girlfriend, your mother and not to forget the recorded voice of a woman from your telecommunication company so you don’t feel lonely? Even then, your phone rings countless number of times because the girlfriend has got to know where your arse has been.
#3 Staying in touch ALL the time
Dear girlfriends, we get it, you love to talk, staying in touch all the time possible. Many times, guys do too. But there are times, when we’d like to be left by ourselves. For instance, while taking a dump, when out with our friends (we might just drunk dial you). And guys would like to keep a check on you just to let you know that they care but how are they supposed to do it when they know you’re asleep? Sometimes boyfriends fail to understand your needs. Just saying.
#4 The answer to ‘Do I look fat?’
If whining was a person, your girlfriend would be best of friends with it. You know it. Let’s start with the most commonly used lines by a girlfriend: “Do I look fat, I think I’ve become fat!”, now that’s a situation no man has ever escaped. Seriously, tell them they can join the gym and they’ll get furious faster than the speed of light. Take another one, if you tell them, they look nice and they’ll drop a thank you but if they ask you the same and you give a wrong expression, you’re the only one having dinner at a table that was reserved for two. True story.
#5 The incessant attention to detail
Paying attention to unnecessary details and then asking you if you remember? Girlfriends, do you really expect us to remember the colour of the top you wore? If it was lingerie, we’d remember that by heart! But not what we ate with you on some random day in some random restaurant, we just remember the food was great and we pooped just fine. Quiz us about things that really matter and we’d ace it. Well, okay, we’ll at least try.
#6 Trying to understand when they are sarcastic and when not
Us men, like to do one thing at a time. So if you ask us a question that is not related to things that are not happening right now, we might give a weird answer. You should expect it. But to that, if you reply with a ‘yes’ and what you really mean is a ‘no’, you’ve got us confused. So please PLEASE, say ‘yes’ when it’s a yes and ‘no’, when it’s a no. Thanks.
Even after these six girlfriend problems, your man loves you no matter what so go make him a sandwich!? LOL, just kidding!