#ReplaceMovieNamesWithRaita was trending on Twitter last night and people had some interesting things to say!


Twitter is one of the best socialising websites we have today and why not? It has everything you can ask from a micro blogging website! It gives you knowledge, keep you updated with whatever’s been up with the world and if not that, you can actually just get entertained with random funny hashtag captions on Twitter. People actually do that and Twitter completely participates or should we,say gives you many chances to do so. Very recently, #ReplaceMovieNamesWithRaita was trending on Twitter and people shared their ‘creative’ movie names. Take a look at how people responded to it and let us know your creative movie names in the comments section below. 


#1 Never knew Harry was into raita


#2 When did Basanti switch to raita, again? 


#3 Never getting near that pool, never.


#4 Can’t deny, we had a good laugh over this one! 


#5 Not sure if this one is obsessing over raita or the person.


#6 *When people ask if they can taste your food but finish half of it in one go*


#7 We can imagine that and all of a sudden it has turned into a horror movie.


#8 You know what that means? A river of raita instead of chocolate. That’s very disturbing. 


#9 When raita is life!


#10 Sure, if you want to OD on it!


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