Not all men are into beards. Some prefer being clean-shaven because beard is too much of a hassle at times and you don’t want to deal with that every damn day. But these men don’t see the brighter side; a beard can get you the attention you’d never get by being clean-shaven. Truth be told, most women prefer breaded men to clean-shaven boys. And if that still doesn’t encourage you enough to try the beard, these pointers might just change your mind.
#1 You look like a grown up and start taking responsibilities, starting with grooming your beard.
#2 Beards take you from looking ‘meh’ to ‘oh meh god, look at him’ #TrueStory
#3 No one will bully you if you have a beard.
#4 Saves your face from being slapped by the cold winter winds. Women can’t do that! Men – 1, Women – 0.
#5 Beard is a confidence booster. But that doesn’t tell you to be a jerk and do something stupid.
#6 Beard makes you a happy man. Well, because you’re getting the attention and people are actually letting you know that you look good (Read: attractive)! Flaunt it, brethren!
#7 Beards can get a little itchy sometimes, but there will always be people who love to run their hands on it. On the beard, just to make it very clear.
#8 If you can pull off a beard, remember, not every man can. Feel blessed and let it grow.
#9 You might get a lot of beef from people for your beard, let it be, they know nothing. They are like the Jon Snow of your life, they know nothing!
#10 Experimenting with the beard is always good but don’t do something that will embarrass the beard. Beard is sacred. Respect it.
Now that you have enough reasons to try out a beard the best time to start would be with No Shave November aka Movember. So, be the man, your girlfriend would want you to be. Just kidding. Try the beard!