Internet had a lot to say after Steve Harvey made history at the Miss Universe pageant 2015!

Steve Harvey- What's trending (1)

After what went down on December 20th in Las Vegas, where the Miss Universe pageant 2015 was taking place, the world was shocked and confused at the same time.  It did make us go “what the f*ck just happened!?” but we were also sitting tight with a tub of popcorn because this doesn’t just happen every day!

Sure, it was quite sad in the start for Miss Colombia and we do respect her feelings but this is not about her. It’s all about one man who made it happen, the one and only STEVE HARVEY, the man ruling the internet for the past few days. And making a [honest] mistake like that can screw you for good. Steve Harvey did make history and will be remembered for a long long time. While he apologised to the contestants and the viewers of the show, the Internet was busy making some memes that we couldn’t get enough of.  And because we’re the kind that likes to share, here’s what we’re talking about! Laugh away!

#1 Fail level: Universal. 

Miss Universe pageant 2015


#2 By now Leo will be prepared anyway but that’ll be even huge than this mess.

Miss Universe pageant 2015


#3 It’s a messed up musical? We aren’t even mad!

Miss Universe pageant 2015Source

#4 Stevey wondering if it’s the right time to come out. See what we did there? 

Miss Universe pageant 2015


#5 Harvey is still “stuck in the moment!”

Miss Universe pageant 2015


#6 When you know you’re not getting your full salary by the end of the month!

Miss Universe pageant 2015


#7 Weekend jokes are not funny, Steve! *wipes off the tear*

Miss Universe pageant 2015Source

#8 “You for real, Steve!?” 

Miss Universe pageant 2015

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