The news is out! B-town’s favourite Bhaijaan is now a free man (not like he wasn’t really exactly free before). Salman Khan had been convicted of culpable homicide and sentenced to five years in jail for a hit-and-run accident in 2002. And today, on 10th December, 2015 he was acquitted of all charges by a Bombay high court judge.
What followed was a Twitter outrage with the Twitterati expressing how they feel about the final verdict. While some showed support, some pointed out the issues that still remain unresolved. Take a look.
Aamir Khan’s wife Kiran Rao wants to leave India as Intolerance is Rising against the people who are sleeping on Footpath #SalmanVerdict
— उमर अब्दुल्लाह (@abdullah_0mar) December 10, 2015
How do you spell ‘douchebag’? S.A.L.M.A.N #SalmanVerdict — Priyadarshini Nandy (@priyanandyblr) December 10, 2015
Indian judicial system has this golden rule ‘what happened in 2002, stays in 2002′. #SalmanVerdict #KakaVerdict
— Rofl Gandhi (@RoflGandhi_) December 10, 2015
Lesson from #SalmanVerdict : when you sleep on the pavement, don’t dare dream of justice from India’s courts. — Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) December 10, 2015
Court: “There’s reasonable doubt that you were drunk” Salman Khan: “There’s reasonable doubt that I’m a virgin too lololol” #SalmanVerdict
— Akshar (@AksharPathak) December 10, 2015
Irony is Ravindra Patil suffered more than the man who was cause of that accident. RT if you agree. #SalmanVerdict pic.twitter.com/n18aplwzcq — Gayatri Reddy (@Gayatritwit) December 10, 2015
If you’re Being Human, you don’t have to care for human beings #SalmanVerdict
— The Bad Doctor (@doctoratlarge) December 10, 2015
Finally we know ! The car was drunk . #SalmanVerdict — Anjana Om Kashyap (@anjanaomkashyap) December 10, 2015
A drunk man mows down innocent pavement dwellers, runs away like a coward, starts a campaign ‘Being Human’ and is let free #SalmanVerdict
— Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) December 10, 2015
Salman’s car was drunk, yes? Shame. #SalmanVerdict — Arindam Das (@Dumdum1992) December 10, 2015
You’re not a criminal if you’re rich. Welcome to India!! #nojustice4poor #SalmanVerdict @BeingSalmanKhan
— Amit Makwana (@AmitMakwana144) December 10, 2015
Disappointed after the #SalmanVerdict Not far untill people lose trust in India’s Judicial System. — Amar Gupte (@amm9_g) December 10, 2015
If u have money it is irrelevant if u r driving on road or crushing people on footpath #SalmanVerdict… Just #beinghuman 
— Rajeev Vashista (@pure_silence) December 10, 2015
@ibnlive You need either MONEY, POWER or FAME to live in India. Not a place for Aaam Aadmi. Where is justice? #SalmanVerdict — Saranya Ardhanari (@asaranya17) December 10, 2015
salman get a huge discount from court.. for his long membership since 2002 #SalmanVerdict
— pankajpreet singh (@pnkjpreet) December 10, 2015
Wow ! I didn’t expect it to start that quickly. #SalmanVerdict pic.twitter.com/VCNKloantm — Riteek Arora (@riteek) December 10, 2015
#SalmanVerdict is like GTA game where Salman was driving the car, painted it and the cops forgot the crime
— Sarvesh Gupta (@s3rv1) December 10, 2015
Faith in indian judicial system restored.#Sarcasm #moneycanbuyanything #SalmanVerdict — Rakesh khulbe (@KhulbeRakesh) December 10, 2015
Who was drunk? #SalmanVerdict
— ✂Robin (@rajivrobin) December 10, 2015
I think Salman’s car was hacked by Chinese hackers! #SalmanVerdict — Shrenik Gopani (@ShrenikGopani) December 10, 2015
Someone please inform @AnupamPkher that courts don’t find #truth. They find if charges are proved by evidence+witness or not. #SalmanVerdict
— NanOratoR (@NanOratoR) December 10, 2015
Yes the car was drunk! #SalmanVerdict. Now find ways of acquitting ur chela #SoorajPancholi also. Cz thts justice in our country aftr all! — Pallavi Jain (@pallaviagjain) December 10, 2015
And today, hapless Justice is wheeled over by drunk Affluence. #SalmanVerdict
— Manudev Jain (@OustedCzar) December 10, 2015
So on #HumanRightsDay today, it is announced that Salman is cleared from any jail time for killing someone. Ironic isn’t it? #SalmanVerdict — Dreamer (@imsatbir) December 10, 2015
Slap on face for all those who trust judiciary and law #SalmanVerdict
— Abhishek Kaushal (@abkaushal) December 10, 2015
And here’s what Bhaijaan has to say.
I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers . — Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) December 10, 2015
And the list can go on but the question still remains. Was justice really served?