How to not completely lose your mind when you have absolutely nothing to do at work?


If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you actually have nothing to do at work and don’t think we’re sailing in the same boat, well, at least not right now. But we have all been there, and we know how f*cking boring it can get when you have absolutely nothing to do at work. It’s even worse when the boredom crawls up to your head and you’d do the weirdest things to entertain yourself. And being a little too honest, there are some things you don’t want to get caught while you’re in action (no, you don’t want to be doing ‘all that’ at your work place? Have some self-respect). The things I’m talking about are crazy, weird and funny (maybe just the people who do it) and I won’t lie, can land you in awkward situations.

So here’s your guide on how not to lose your mind when you have absolutely nothing to do at work.


#1 Hit the basics, start with some good music

So, you did your part of the work and are waiting on the next thing so you can get shit done but being the lucky arse you are, there’s not much work today for you. It has been a while and you’re starting to get bored, this is all you’ve got to do, plug in the earphones and leave your playlist on, sit back and chill. But make sure you have your eyes everywhere because your colleagues might not be as lucky as you are and we all know what jealousy is capable of. Remember, don’t let them come in your way; you turn up the volume and chill like you’re the boss! (Word of advice: don’t do that when the real boss is around)



#2 Sing along but don’t lose yourself into it

Keep this in mind, you’re at your work place and not at the auditions for Indian Idol, calm those ti*s of yours. But if ever it happens and you know you’ve put yourself in an awkward situation, just ask your colleagues to join in and sing along. It works because; tried and tested. AND not ashamed of it.



#3 Hello, YouTube!

You know it; YouTube is that friend that comes to rescue when boredom is bullying you. And most of the time he saves you. Other times, well, let’s put it this way that you want to close the YouTube tab and punch your computer screen because all of a sudden there’s not one video on YouTube that can entertain you. Seriously, how long can you watch cat videos for? But I say, keep on looking friend! You’ll find something.



#4 Take a walk, no, seriously, take a walk!

Why the hell not? You’re bored anyway. YouTube has got nothing for you and you’re done with music too. What’s the harm in taking a walk? And if you don’t want to go alone, just ask someone to come along! There’s always that one person who is up for anything even if he’s buried under work. Pretty sure, he/she can take a walk with you.



#5 Burn your lungs out

Not that you’re going to listen to me if I say don’t smoke. So, now that you’re going to take a walk, might as well, turn it into a smoke break. It helps kill time and kill you. But you’re fine with that so how does it matter?



#6 When was the last time you visited your colleague at their desk?

Now, I have no idea how the working environment is on your side, but when I have nothing to work on and I’ve had enough, I make sure my colleagues know what I’m going through. So, you see them at their desk and you do what you can do so they feel as annoyed as you are. They need to know how it feels.



#7 A prank, because you can’t remember the last time you pulled one off!

Pranks are fun; they can make your day or can make you jobless. It completely depends on what level you’re playing. Take this, an easy one, call up your friend/colleague in office and tell them you have a thing for that person. Make up a creepy story and spill some words like you mean it. Don’t drop the act till you have them and play the master stroke. Also, make sure you record the call because without it, there is no point. But I’m sure you can think of better pranks since you have ‘nothing to do at work’.



There are so many more things you can do and if you know any, let us know. We might just give ‘em a try! Cheers!

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