When ladies get their nails done, they want them to last forever and chipped nails/worn-out manis can scare the living daylight out of them. We understand that in a perfect world, manicures would last for as long as we’d want them to but alas, it does not work like that. However, with a couple of simple steps you can make your manicure last longer. We have got you covered. Whether you choose simple nail paints or some creative nail art, follow these directions to always maintain no-fail nails. Take a look at these easy tips and tricks that can help you make your manicure last longer.
#1 Prime your nails with a base coat
Always use a base coat to prime your nails, using a base coat allows the selected colour to stay on the nail. It also protects the nail from any stains that a darker polish may leave. Also, the hardeners in most base coats can improve the overall health of the nail, therefore allowing it to grow according to your preference. Paint two layers of base coat; one on the top half of your nail and the second coat over the entire nail. This will help keep the polish on the tips of your nails from chipping.
#2 The top coat is as important as the base coat
Adding a top coat to your mani is also equally important. A top coat is absolutely necessary to seal the colour to get the perfect gloss finish. Apart from setting the polish and providing your polish the staying power for weeks, it also prevents your nails from chipping. Added bonus? It protects your nails from ultraviolet rays of sun giving them a beautiful sheen.
#3 Moisturise your nails
It is a known fact that moisturising the skin does wonders for it then why leave the nails behind? When you have a nice manicure, take extra time to use hand lotion with ingredients like glycol, macadamia oil, cocoa butter and more. The more moisturised your skin is, the longer your manicure would stay. Also, maintain your cuticles because dry hands are one thing, but dry cuticles just take the shabby game up many notches. Keep your nail beds healthy and your manicure alive for longer by moisturising them regularly. Cuticle oil is the perfect way to achieve this because it contains nutrients like Aloe Vera and vitamin E that help resist breakage and promote nourished nails.
#4 File and Buff
Filing and buffing plays a very important role in making your manicure last longer. It allows the nails to remain healthy and prevents breakage. Invest in a four-sided buff, file, polish and shine block and believe us, it will improve your nails instantly. Make sure to file your nails in one direction; this way your nails won’t feather and the application of your polish will look better and last longer. Buffing helps in smoothing out the bumps on your nails and allows the polish to lay flat preventing it from cracking due to the small dips and dents in your nails.
#5 Maintenance
The maintenance is also important in between manicures. Reckless weather, washing hands and showering can also make your manicure worse. Everyone knows the two coats of paint rule but to protect from wear and tear, add a layer of top coat every day or every other day. Doing so will keep your nails fresh and turn your mani days into weeks. The extra layer adds a glossier look and you won’t have to worry about removing your nail polish frequently.
#6 Do not miss the edges
Don’t skip the ‘free edges’ of your nails. Most of us miss out applying nail paint till the edge of our nails and that makes way for chipped paint. Run the base coat, paint, and top coat to the top edge or even the inner edge of your nails to ensure your entire nail is sealed. Wait for each coat to settle before you apply the next. This will make your manicure last longer.
#7 Eat healthy
Last but certainly not the least; eat healthy to keep your nails healthy. Add a lot of vitamins in your diet and supplements like B-12, Zinc and Iron to maintain healthy nails.