Ladies, we know that there’s nothing that looks better than a head of bouncy curls but struggling with curling rods and iron plates, damaging our hair in the process? Uhhh…. No. Many women don’t feel comfortable with the curling irons and other hot tools because of their adverse effects on hair. And yes, it is scientifically proven that heating machines do havoc to your hair. But then the question remains: how to curl your hair without heat?
There are multiple ways to get beautiful curls without heat, no matter what your hair type is and they’re ideal for a lazy evening before bed so you can wake up with curly hair the next morning. Now you can make tight curls, voluminous curls, beachy waves or lazy waves on your own without burning yourself. We’ve rounded up some amazing and effortless video tutorials by Luxy Hair about heatless curls or waves, so you don’t have to spend much on those curling rods and flat irons because these techniques are better when you actually see them in action.
Watch these videos and learn how to curl your hair without heat.