If you thought you went to the ‘coolest’ college, had the coolest campus around and everything that comes with it here’s something that might make you re-think. Take a look at these ‘pun-niest’ witty slogan t-shirts from colleges all around the country that are bound to crack you up.
#1 This goes out to all the nerds out there! We mean ‘cool’ nerds! Yes, they do exist
#2 Talking about nerds, the aerodynamics club t-shirt at BITS Pilani sure has a ‘high’ sense of humor
#3 These students aim ‘high’, quite literally!
#4 This slogan is no rocket science
#5 And this one hits the nail on the head
#6 Just like this one
#7 And this one
#8 Enough with the screws already
#9 And some are just lucky……well not really!
#10 Won’t everyone around just love to attend this fest?
#11 Happy when they got in and even happier when they got out. Ironic.
#12 Electrical department at IIT Kanpur! The backside sure is hilarious
#13 Three cheers to all the ‘strippers’ in the house!
#14 Who knew silicon could be used to make things look smaller
#16 These people might just know a thing or two about deeeep digging
This story was inspired by this thread on www.quora.com
All pictures sourced from www.quora.com