Five beauty benefits of green tea


Most people think green tea is only good for health as it helps with weight loss and improves metabolism. The lesser known fact is that it also has some very good properties that can benefit your hair and skin. Green tea has is rich in antioxidants that help in slowing down the ageing process, it makes your skin look youthful and offers many other benefits. Read on to find out five beauty benefits of green tea that in the form of these simple home remedies.

#1 Face pack

Make your own face pack by mixing a tablespoon of green tea leaves in yogurt. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on for approximately 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Green tea has antioxidants that help repair damage cells and delay early ageing.

green tea as face pack

#2 Under eye mask

Refrigerate used tea bags for about half an hour and then simply pop them under your eyes and let them stay for 15 minutes. Green tea contains caffeine which constricts the blood vessels hence helping de puff the eyes.

green tea as under eye mask

#3 Hair rinse

Boil some water and immerse tea bags into it and let it cool. Remove the tea bags and apply the mixture over damp hair and leave it for 10 minutes. Now simply rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Green tea contains vitamin E which conditions and moisturises the hair follicles and helps repair hair damage.

green tea for hair rinsing

#4 Facial mist

Prepare green tea and let it cool. Pour the cold tea into a spray bottle and apply it evenly over your face during the day. It helps in relaxing facial muscles and makes you feel fresh and energised on those hot summer days.

green tea as facial mist

#5 Cleanser

Simply add a few green tea leaves in your daily use cleanser and apply it evenly over your face. Rinse it off with cold water and pat dry. Green tea has anti-aging properties that help reduce signs of premature ageing.

green tea cleanser


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