Feeling sleepy at work? Here’s what all you should do!


Admit it, we all go through a point once (or maybe 7 times for some people) every week when we just can’t keep our eyes open, especially in front of the laptop. It’s normal to feel sleepy, but sh*t gets serious during those 8 hours in the day when you’re at work.You don’t realise that your boss sneaked up on you while your eyelids were on the verge of touching each other! If that happens with you…believe us…we feel you. Imagine, like right now maybe…just MAYBE this post was written by somebody who is going through the same pain but guess what?  Here are a few things that might work for you to get rid of that sleepiness incase taking a nap at work isn’t a viable option!

1. Watch cat videos

There’s nothing more amusing than watching cats do random stuff with humans. This might just tickle your funny bone causing a reflex reaction travelling through your brain to your eyes, making them open a little wider.


2. Take a walk and trouble your colleagues

We know this one sounds like a tough task. Especially while preparing yourself mentally to get up from that perfect lazy workstation-posture and moving your muscles. But always remember, you have to be strong and there’s nothing in this world you can’t do. NOTHING!


3. Listen to pumped up music

Put those earphones on and torture yourself with loud music. The kind of loud music that annoys the cr*p out of you will do just fine!


4. Online shopping

Reward yourself for getting through this sleepy day. A gift to yourself from you. Nuff said.


5. Pull both your eyelids apart with the help of your thumb and your index finger

This hack is like social service for your other sleepy colleagues at work. They’re going to catch you doing this to yourself and have a good laugh which in turn will make you laugh. See it’s all relative!


6. Go and sit in the washroom for a while and play Candy Crush saga

Procrastination is the key. Go to the best place in your office (as long as it’s clean and doesn’t stink). Take your phone out, play a game or just tweet about your despair as long as your boss isn’t following you on Twitter!


7. Think about your life and where you’re headed

Well that would be something that’ll surely turn those ‘half shut eyes’ into a Grand Canyon. There’s nothing more startling than thinking about where one is headed. Perhaps it’ll be a good motivation for you to wake wide up and start performing better at work.


8. Take the rest of the day off

If nothing works, go home and sleep. There’s no force in this world that can help you other than resorting to the last resort. Sleep your heart out and make the next day worth it!



All pictures sourced from Giphy.com

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Feeling sleepy at work? Here’s what all you should do! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 5/5 - 1 user ratings
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