DIY: 4 ways to turn your scarf into a dress
Here are four ways of turning your scarf into a brand new dress. Learn these easy hacks to make beachwear more interesting.
#1 Tube Dress
You can turn your scarf into a tube dress. Drape your scarf around your back like this and tie the ends together in a tight secure knot. Now take the loose ends, tie them at the back to enhance the waistline and you’re done.
#2 The One-Shoulder Dress
This one is a slight variation of the tube dress. Drape the scarf around your back and tie the two ends in the front. Now take one end and put it across your shoulder, while taking the other end from below your arm, towards the back. Tie these two ends securely at the back to give it that one shouldered dress look and get ready to steal the show.
#3 Summer Shrug
A summer shrug is great for highlighting your back when you want to tie your hair up on a beach. Find the centre point of the longer side of your scarf and tie it with one end. Repeat this step with the opposite end. Now put your arms through the loops you just created and your shrug’s ready.
#4 The Maxi Dress
This one’s my favourite. Take the ends of the shorter side of the scarf and tie them around your neck. Now take two ends from the centre of the scarf and wrap them around your waist tightly. Tie these ends in a double knot at the back and just like that you’ve added a new dress to your wardrobe.
These dresses are amazing to wear on the beach, on a hot summer day and for those days when you can’t find anything to wear in that big wardrobe.