‘Confusing things girlfriends say’ by FilterCopy is just what you need to watch today!

Confusing things gf say- What's trending

Relationships are amazing and there is no denying that. They offer support, strength, love, compassion and a person who will stand by you for everything including things as small as crying over a broken toe nail or as big as losing a job.

Relationships can also be slightly confusing especially when you cannot figure what your partner is actually trying to say. While men mostly choose a more straightforward approach to addressing issues; women choose a more subtle way of communicating things. Understanding this “subtle” relationship jargon really depends on how well you know your woman but we feel that there are a few common situations that every man has found himself battling from time to time. And, we are not alone. This video from FilterCopy on ‘Confusing things girlfriends say’ is so on-point that you would want to stand up and take a bow, especially if you’re a man. Don’t believe us? Take a look and find out for yourself.



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