App of the week: MyFitnessPal


Keeping track of the calories you are consuming just got easier. Get the MyFitnessPal app on your mobile device and stick to your calorie goals every day. Here’s everything you need to know about the app.

MyFitnessPal App

#1 MyFitnessPal lets you set realistic goals and targets for losing those extra kilos

Once you’ve downloaded the app on your phone, it’ll let you create your profile with details like height, weight, sex, age, target weight and more. The app then helps you watch what you eat and achieve your target weight.

MyFitnessPal app screenshot

#2 It helps you create a daily log of the number of calories you consume. And has food suited to every country’s taste palettes and eating habits.

After creating your profile, just keep adding the details of everything you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc. If you don’t know how to count calories for that Aloo Parantha that you had for breakfast, MyFitnessPal has a solution. The app has a database of over four million dishes from around the world. Moreover, you can also change the quantity according to your consumption to keep a better count.

MyFitnessPal App screenshot

#3 MyFitnessPal lets you connect other workout-tracking apps to measure your calorie goals better

You can sync this app with your other activity tracking apps and calculate the total inflow and outflow of calories. It also helps you plan your workout regime better.

fitness app

 You can download the app from the following links – 

Google play devices:

Apple devices:

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