Everybody loves dogs and cats or any animal that can be a pet. Obviously some people are above that and would go to the extent of petting wild cats or even snakes, talk about their love for animals! But the animal we’re talking about is probably hard to pet and take care of. They’re one of a kind, slow, lazy, always hungry and not dangerous at all! We’re talking about Pandas, yup, that fuzzy big bear with black patches around the body who doesn’t give two shits about your existence because they’re always busy eating!
And that’s the biggest reason everybody loves them. With that, we have a few of our own reasons on why Pandas are the most chilled out animals on the face of the Earth!
#1 Dogs work for police, Pandas work for themselves!
#2 They also know how to party better than most of you! In yo face!
#3 Well, they do stupid things like us, the difference is they don’t even have to get drunk.
#4 Don’t take away his ball? He has got only one left!
#5 Pandas are very much like humans – horny, hungry and always sleepy.
#6 They somehow how pull off the cute factor. Girls dig them more than men sometimes, sigh.
#7 You don’t come between them and their food. Such a human thing to do, no?
#8 Every foodie’s spirit animal? Because working out is not for them!
#9 They can be superstars of animal porn!?