Abbreviations that Grammar Nazis would never approve of!


Remember the age old saying, ‘If you’re going to do something, do it right’? This statement’s accuracy can be put to test in any situation and you’ll see that whoever came up with it was basically a genius. Especially if we’re talking about languages, we feel it’s important that whichever language it is that you prefer speaking/writing, do it right. And English is that one language that has so been torn apart by people all over the world like it’s no one’s business. So much so that even computer operating systems give us options like English – US, English – India, English – UK and many more.  

Also, there are people who take it up to themselves to correct your English and we’re not talking about your English teacher but Grammar Nazis. Now, there are two reasons Grammar Nazis would help you. First one being, they simply want to help you get it right. Secondly, your English and you are getting on their nerves, so you shut up or hear them correct you; which again, isn’t really a bad thing. After all, Grammar Nazis are trying to help you out. Oh, and there’s this one small thing that they find hard to tolerate, that is, abbreviations which are unnecessary and stupid. Here, take notes because you definitely need to stop using these abbreviations.


#1 Totes

Lord only knows who came up with that word in the first place. Seriously, that sounds nothing like ‘totally’. Pretty sure whoever is responsible could’ve done better or should’ve never tried anything like this. It feels so weird to say, for example – “You suck totes, man!” Sounds like something new to suck on. And we’ll recommend not trying that.



#2 Phenom

Ever realized how phenom(enally) you’re kicking English’s ass by using such words? It doesn’t even take much energy to say the damn word. You can go cussing without stopping and sing along to your favourite song on the radio but you can’t complete a word, for real? Not so phenomenal now, are you?



#3 Delish

Delicious is the real word and a word that already sounds so nice that it shouldn’t be abused or replaced with a word like ‘Delish’. If these words were twins, Delish would be the evil one.



#4 BT Dubs

The most annoying one we’ve heard in the recent times is also the stupidest, no kidding there. We actually went LOL on this one. And we don’t even know how but BT Dubs stands for ‘by the way’. We don’t even want to go to the reasoning part. We’re sure it’s going to be as stupid as the word. And also, what the hell was wrong with ‘BTW’, anyway? We adopted that, didn’t we!?



#5 ILY

You know how to get on your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s nerves way quickly that usual? Use the tree magical alphabets – ILY. The initials of the three words that actually mean something to people but some lazy arse person probably tried to cut the bullshit and voila – ILY was born. And man did it ruin talking to your partner? You have no idea. Say it the way it’s supposed to be said not for the sake of being corrected by a Grammar Nazi but for your better half at least. You owe them that much.



#6 Jelly

Talking about stupid people, do they compare who is more stupid and then get jelly of the person who won? Don’t get it? Jelly basically means jealous. Wonder if Grammar Nazis had the right to execute stupid people, what would be the total population of Earth?



#7 Adorb

Believe us when we say it and we won’t say it again (though you can read it again), such abbreviations are NOT adorb OR a better way to say it, adorable. You sound stupid and you come out as fake person. Don’t do that to yourself. You’re better than that; all you’ve to do is speak proper English! It’s not rocket science!



#8 Obvio

This one has been in the use for quite a while now but we haven’t really made peace with it. And we don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon or ever. But obviously, some people understand how stupid that is and some don’t. Also, that’s what ‘obvio’ stands for ‘obviously’, yeah; you’re smart but not enough.



For the sake of English and self-respect, refrain from using at least these abbreviations. The list is too long but these are annoying to another level. Peace. 

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