Alright, brothers from another mothers! This one thing has caught my mind and its time I got this out. We all have had these thoughts and they are completely normal to a guys’s world. Whenever we see a girl, we have a couple of thoughts in our mind that we don’t want any mind reader to know. Talking about reading minds, we are glad girls can’t do that. Some would be happy and some would be taking us men as creeps. And before women judge us, please note that we don’t mean to disrespect, these are just few compliments that we wish to keep in our mind and sometimes it’s best that way. So, here are a few thoughts that go through a guy’s head when he’s talking to a beautiful girl for the first time!
And ladies, embrace these pointers as compliments!
#1 “OH LORD! She’s damn good lookin’!”
Yep, let’s face it; be it a guy or a girl, everybody gets carried away by good looks. That’s the truth. Nobody knows how you are from the inside, so you take the chance just because the person is attractive and try to make the conversation. Now, with guys it’s almost the same but with that thought in his mind, he might just hesitate to approach you but believe me, he’s floored already. Take that coming from a guy.
#2 “I hope she talks as good as she looks! Please God!”
Not saying that it’s the case with every guy but a guy with brains will like a girl who is at least a bit similar to him and not just a hot chick who makes him look good in front of people. That’s douchebaggery: 101. And besides, who doesn’t like to have someone who can talk well and keep up a conversation. Some people are suckers for that!
#3 “She’s got a great butt. Stop looking at it!”
Again, ladies, that’s a guy thing. And don’t say that you have never checked out a man’s butt. That’d be a BIG, BIG butt… lie! I mean lie! That’s true isn’t it? And it’s completely fine. We are humans, and in our defence, we’re just admiring beauty. So congratulations on a great behind! And if a guy asks you, “have you been working out?” it doesn’t necessarily mean he thinks that you lost weight. Get it?
#4 “Wait, are her friends this good looking too?”
Please note that it doesn’t always mean that we are looking for options. Well, that depends if it didn’t work out on you. We’d like to keep our options open. And you’d do that too. Which again, is a very natural thing to do? Let’s go exploring!
#5 “You’ve been blessed by the Gods, woman! Hot legs in da house!”
What beard is to women, legs, butt and boobs are to men. Now, it’s not our fault that God gave so much to women and the rest was passed on to men. We are happy with what we have. And you ladies are still somewhere not content with what you got. Maybe that’s why the makeup came to existence. And we are happy that it did. Whatever makes you ladies happy? We appreciate you in every manner possible!
#6 “Hope she likes Coldplay over Kajra Re!”
Everything aside, music does matter. We’re not saying every guy’s into international music, no! But there are plenty of men to whom music is a great deal. Some are happy with Honey Singh and some would just dance to his music when drunk because when you’re drunk who gives a f*ck? You just need your body moving! We fall in the latter category. And to be honest, music is one of those points where you have won the heart.
#7 “Wait, would she even consider talking to me in the first place?”
A guy has probably dreamt of things months ahead before he has even approached the girl. I know khayali pulao tastes like heaven but then again, get your shit together. If you want all that to happen grow a pair and at least say “Hello!” And dear ladies, how about you do the same? No, don’t grow the pair, please, but if you think you like a guy somewhere, give it a shot! If nothing, you might just find a new friend in them. There’s no harm in that!
Ladies, every guy that approaches you can’t be a creep, a few might be, but not all. You’re smart creatures, show men that you are. Cheers!