7 things every person does when waiting for a friend!


Nobody has got friends who are always on time. That never happens not even in a perfect world. And the worst part is when you’re the one who’s never on time but that one time you’re the first one to reach the meeting point, every friend makes you wait; that, guys, is the worst way to test your patience. We have been through it. But there are things you can do to kill time when waiting for your numb-nut friends!

#1 Check Snapchat

Snapchat is the new addiction for all of us. If you see someone taking a picture at the most random places, chances are he or she is uploading a snapstory or just letting their friends know that they can be weird too.



#2 Check Facebook

Already checked your Facebook twice, and still scrolling down looking at the same posts again and again or even posting the weirdest sh*t on your friend’s wall because they’ve got to pay for making you wait!



#3 Check Twitter

Why to just rant on your friend’s wall? Tweet about it! Let the world know how it feels to wait for your minions. Maybe you’re just doing that for retweets and favourites. It’s alright, we aren’t judging!



#4 Click selfies

You look fabulous. Do that!



#5 Listen to music

This is the best way to kill time, hands down. Also, with every song you can calculate how long your friends have made you wait. It always works.



#6 Call your friends

Not once, not twice but every 5 minutes. Let them know you won’t suffer alone, bug them with your calls. They probably won’t answer the phone but do what you’ve got to do! Give ‘em hell!



#7 Repeat Cycle

Do we really need to say that? You’re smart enough!


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