5 products that you must have to get through your NYE celebration!


It’s that time again when all you can think of is ushering in the New Year with your friends and family. All that planning can get hectic, but what’s worse is waking up on the first day of a fresh year feeling like a hung-over mess with no way to make contact with the real world! Here’s a list of essentials that you must keep with you when you step out at night on the 31st of December.

#1 A Power Bank

After all those midnight calls and the drunken charades the last thing you need is your phone running out of battery. Always always carry a power bank to keep your phone alive just in case you need to reach out to your friends or family or for all those first-day-of-the-year selfies.

Power bank

Source: www.shopclues.com

#2 A pair of comfy shoes

Now we are not suggesting you keep an extra pair of shoes in your handbag but do keep an extra pair of flat or comfy (for the men) shoes in the back of your car. New Year’s Eve parties can get really long and tiring and changing into a comfortable pair of shoes towards the end just makes life so much easier.

Comfy shoe

Source: www.pinterest.com

#3 Cash

Plastic money is safe yes, but converting your plastic money to cash at the time of an emergency is not an easy task. While going out for a New Year’s Eve party, do carry extra cash just in case you need a cab or a home safe driver or to help out a friend in need.


Source: www.blackmoneywatch.com

#4 Tissues (Lots and lots of them)

f you’re confident that you will not get sick drunk, it’s very good! However, chances are that one of your friends might. In such a scenario, do keep extra tissues handy for cleaning the mess outside, inside the car or at someone’s place.


Source: www.pinterest.com

#5 An extra bottle of Vodka

Ok, now that we’ve got all the serious stuff in place, make sure you keep an extra bottle of your favourite poison for the oh-my-god-alcohol-is-over moment. This is your chance to be the hero of the party by rescuing your angry drunk friends out of their misery.


Source: www.listofimages.com

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