If you love stimulation with interesting word games on your smart phone, make sure each one out of these five is off your list! Take a look at the five most engaging brain ticklers available for download on your smartphones, iPads and Tablets:
Top 5 Word Game Apps
1. Ruzzle – Developed by the Swedish gaming company MAG Interactive, Ruzzle enables its players to challenge an opponent chosen either randomly or from the players’ friend lists. Based on the structure of a 4×4 grid of letters, this game involves forming as many words as possible with the sixteen letters in the grid within two minutes.
2. QuizUp – Developed by Iceland-based Plain Vanilla Games, QuizUp is yet another extremely addictive game that allows you to challenge an opponent in a timed quiz. With a fan base of over 20 million, this app covers a wide array of topics including scrambled words.
3. Letterpress – A close competitor of Ruzzle is Letterpress. It is a grid-based game that allows players to find words, steal tiles and even colour the board while playing. Form words using letter pieces anywhere on the game board and challenge your friends to see who gains the maximum score!
4. Word Search Colorful – This colorful and vibrant app will definitely remind you of the good ol’ days when letter grids used to appear in newspapers. That’s right! The word search game is all about finding hidden words amongst scattered letters and forming a colorful palette with your thumbs.
5. What’s the Word – As the name suggests, this super addictive game shows its users four pictures that have one word in common between them and needless to say, the user has to guess the word. To make it simpler for all the players, the game also displays the letter count of the word that needs to be guessed!