4 tips that’ll help you keep back acne at bay!


Back acne is the worst kind of acne to deal with not just because it is an unreachable area of the body but also because treating it is a pain. And people with the cleanest facial skin may also get back acne. In fact, this phenomenon now has a name, bacne! And bacne can be summer’s biggest enemy.

 While during winters we can still cover up our backs with all the layers, why should one shy from flaunting a little skin on a bright summer day?

 If you’ve dealt with this beast, we feel what you’ve been through. Here are a few tips that will help you keep back acne away. The most important thing is to remember that your back and facial skin is NOT the same. So do not expect to treat both acnes the same way. Take a look at these treatments for back acne.


#1 Invest in a long-handled body brush or loofah

While it’s not advised to strongly exfoliate skin on your face especially if you have acne, it’s recommended otherwise for your back. Your back doesn’t get cleaned as often as your face does. It just gets cleaned maybe once or twice a day. The sweat, oil and body lotion gets accumulated in the pores and it needs a good buff every once in a while. So it’ll be wise to invest in a long handled loofah/brush for your back and clean your back with it whenever you get a chance.

#2 Use body acne-treating products not facial-acne treating products

Treat your bacne with products that are meant for your body, not your face. Try body washes with salicylic acid and exfoliating elements. Do not use your face wash, or a subtle eye cream to treat your back. The pores on your back skin are much bigger than the ones on your face and body products are designed to treat them accordingly.

#3 Home remedies

If you have mild bacne, you may find some home remedies useful in getting rid of it. The most recommended home treatment for acne is Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix four parts of vinegar with four parts of water in a spray container and use it on your back everyday for two to three weeks. Apple cider vinegar kills the infection-causing bacteria and stops the acne from increasing.

#4 If nothing works, see a doctor

The key to getting rid of any infections is to keep the bacteria away from it but if nothing works, you must seek professional advice. See a doctor and let him/her diagnose the condition if it is acute. They’ll prescribe some medication that will help you achieve that sexy back for summer. 

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