13 times Modern Family’s Cameron Tucker took things over the top and we still loved it!


We just adore how excited and enthusiastic Modern Family’s Cam is about everything in life. He is one of those on-screen characters who take things over the top and still manage to charm our socks off. Here are 13 times Cameron Tucker took things too far and we still loved it.

#1 This time when he went out to shop

Cameron Tucker Shopping gif

#2 The time when he just did not want to clean 

clean up cam taucker

#3 When he had to decide what to wear at night

difficult conversation

#4 When someone high-fived him

gays dont high five

#5 This

no you're always silly

#6 When he expressed his love for his favourite actor

Mery Streep

#7 This time when he wanted to direct the school’s musical

music ill

#8 And when he succeeded, this happened

the f word modern family

#9 This time when he decided to drink his troubles away

new drinking game

#10 This sweater

this sweater

#11 When he made Lily just a little dramatic

Now give me beyonce

#12 Just like his nightmares

raining chickens cam tucker

#13 And finally the time when he popped this question

better kisser cam tucker


All GIFs sourced from www.giphy.com

[Total: 1    Average: 2/5]
13 times Modern Family’s Cameron Tucker took things over the top and we still loved it! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 2/5 - 1 user ratings
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