10 times Santa proved that sh*t happens… with everyone!


It’s the last month of the year. If you’re one of those who, willy-nilly, ends up looking back at all the times you goofed up through the year instead of when you proved to be the hero(ine), then here’s something to make you feel better. It’s not just you who fails at the tiniest of things in life. Giving you great company is Santa – the harbinger of happiness and good cheer! Here are 10 times Santa showed us that sh*t happens with everyone!

#1 The time when Santa needed a drink and so he got drunk


#2 The time when Santa’s pants just refused to stay up


#3 The time when even Santa couldn’t stop a baby from crying


#4 The time when he tried to “shake his belly like a bowl full of jelly” and it went wrong


#5 The time when he tried to dance with the kids but this happened


#6 And this


#7 The time Santa tried to skateboard and the usual happened


#8 This time when the sofa just couldn’t understand how to take Santa’s weight


#9 The time when Santa decided to turn into a Ninja!


#10 And this time when he fought with his friends just like we do!


All GIFs sourced from www.giphy.com

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