10 Things we most probably always do when we get high!


Let us all be true to ourselves and agree that most of the stupidest things and those great memories come from the times we are high on alcohol or on any other substances (no, we aren’t going to name any). The crux is, while we are high, we do things we may or may not be proud of; but if got the chance we’d do it again and would we regret it? Not. One. Bit. So, you know, here are some common things we all do when we get high!


#1 Drink more

You’re already on a roll. Drinking whatever your hands can reach to is something that just makes your evening slightly easier, well, because you’re fly like that.


#2 Dance

You know when alcohol got you up, the music was loud and you asked everybody to step aside! We’re sure you put the stage on fire!

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#3 Sing out loud with your friends

It’s not even your favourite song, you don’t even listen to this track usually but who cares?! Let’s rap to Honey Singh, bi*ches!


#4 Hit the restroom

You need to take a leak but you make the use of ‘rest’ in restroom and end up passing out while you have locked yourself in and your friends search for you. But you get back up again because there’s a lot drinking left to be done. *plays Eye of the Tiger in background*


#5 Embarrass yourself and your friends

It’s a way to show your love. They know it. You know it. Roast them and they roast you. Laugh at each other and you know your night is made. Oh about embarrassing yourself part? You can just puke in front of 10 people and still smile! NO REGRETS!


#6 Make drunk calls/ text

Lost count of drinks you had? It’s time you did something stupid. Why not just drunk text/ dial someone? (Your exes and ex-bestfriends are the best worst options! Choose well! Try calling your mom. Or not.)


#7 Try to act sober

It’s funny how this is the most difficult thing to do when you’re pissed drunk. And the friend who’s handling you is up by a notch. You’ve got competition, mate!


#8 Trash talking happens at its best

Because sentences without behenc**d and bh**dike are incomplete and lack emotion. Show some love, you, fart face!


#9 Sweet talk with the bartender

Would kill for the last drink? Sweet-talking is a piece of cake for most of us. Those who can’t sweet talk, pay up brother or pay up a little extra.


#10 Find another place for more alcohol

The bar is closed means the place is dead. What’s the point of being at place that doesn’t understand your needs?


[Total: 1    Average: 5/5]
10 Things we most probably always do when we get high! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 5/5 - 1 user ratings
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