10 things that have a different meaning for men and women


‘Men are from Mars and women are from Venus’ is a classic cliché we’ve all grown up denying. We can’t say much about relationships but in everyday situations at least, we think, the popular saying holds true. Here is a list of ten topics we discuss almost every day that mean north in a man’s world and south in a woman’s. 

Disclaimer – The article doesn’t seek to perpetuate any gender stereotypes. It is just a light-hearted observation of the opposite ways in which men and women respond to regular lunchtime discussions.

1. Toilet humour
Those ‘doodie’ jokes never go out of style. Most men, no matter how sophisticated they seem to be, enjoy this kind of humour. And let’s face it at times it really is funny….unless you’re a woman and have zero tolerance for things that might just make you sick to your stomach!

toilet humour
2. Objectifying people
While most men consider it as their favourite past time, women hate it! No ‘She’ won’t rate her friend out of 10! Neither should you (at least, not out loud).

3. Personal hygiene
Stating the obvious… A man not bathing for 48 hours is not really a big deal (in his head). Women on the other hand are a walking pack of tissues, sanitiser, face-wash and the list goes on!


4. Porn
Watching porn is absolutely fine in a man’s universe and yes, he will happily admit it, talk about it and even discuss favourites. Most women, on the other hand, mostly find this odd with a small percentage of exceptions who are closeted porn lovers!

5. Chick-flicks
Chick-flicks are to women what porn is to men (minus the emotions). Enough said!’

Chick flicks
6. Makeup
While most women can’t imagine stepping out of the house without their face on, men, most of the times can’t even notice the difference.

7. Fried chicken
Or anything that’s high on fat! Even most men who work out to stay super fit don’t really mind walking into KFC for a nice meal. On the other hand, fat is a woman’s worst enemy.

fried food

8. Gossip
Men claim to hate it but let’s face it, each one of them does it. Why not learn from their friends from Venus and accept that they like giving into the indulgence every now and then?!! Believe us, there’s nothing wrong with it.

9. Driving
Women, the multi-taskers that they are, can drive perfectly well while speaking to their mom on the phone, putting on makeup and doing all kinds of other stuff with one hand on the wheel. Whereas men……let’s just say multitasking is not their forte!

10. Shopping
Men shop because they need clothes! But that doesn’t hold true in a woman’s world. They shop because it is their hobby, their favourite past time and sometimes their reason to wake up every morning!



Image source: All images sourced from Giphy.com

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10 things that have a different meaning for men and women written by Suyash Shukla average rating 4/5 - 2 user ratings
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