This goes out to all the engineering students out there! Getting an engineering degree could be tough since no one tells you the hardships you’d be facing for the next four years. You clearly don’t have much of an idea of what you’re letting yourself into. Let us help you! Take a look at these 10 struggles almost every engineering student faces in their college life!
1. Sleepless nights!
Everything works on a deadline! The work pressure involves time consuming research, big fat books and a lot of panic. In order to be a young engineering professional, every student has to race against the clock to make sure everything’s in place.
2. Dearth of women.
The sad story of every guy spending 4 years in an engineering college! The men:women ratio is probably 70:30 (generally speaking) leaving the male bachelors on a perpetual look out for female company.
3. Fashionably challenged crowd
It’s not that they do it by choice, but most of their time is consumed sitting next to the pile of books leaving them very little time to go shopping!
4. Never ending tutorials and assignments
With so many subjects, so many electives and so many practicals comes the never ending streak of assignments and tutorials! Life get’s even tougher when you realize you’re way behind your classmates around the time of submission.
5. Job/Placement headache
This anxiety dwells perpetually for four years in every engineering student’s head! The main game centers around getting a good job and a ‘great’ pay scale. In the end, all the grades and the endless labour is what counts to win the race of placements in every college!
6. Group assignments
Paired up with random classmates who aren’t even your friends? How un-cool! Group assignments can be a big pain in the a** especially when your ‘groupies’ aren’t as hard working as you!
7. Further studies?
How about further studies? MBA? Every student at least once in their engineering career contemplates over studying further!
8. Secret hostel room parties!
Admit it! That’s the only way you get to party. Be it birthdays, end of the semester or any other occasion, sneaking in alcohol and having a great time with your buds is something you will get accustomed to in no time!
9. Limited monthly budget
Your parents are already spending too much on your annual fee, that too for 4 years! And admit it, providing for engineering fee for that long isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Hence follows the tight monthly budget for their son’s and daughter’s!
10. Follow your heart? Follow your mind?
It’s not like engineering students are not creative, but there comes a time where each one of them goes through a battle of not being able to decide whether to do something else by following their passion (career wise) or go with the herd by joining an IT company!