Only when we were about to pass off the 5th season of Game of Thrones as a snooze fest, the 8th instalment of the season made a huge comeback almost looking like the best episode of the series so far!
Now now, we know that you’re thinking about all those times when our beloved and not-so-beloved characters were beheaded, when Tyrion Lannister demanded for a trial by combat and the heart breaking Red Wedding but but BUT, hold your thoughts right there. The thing about this episode is that every single second of the viewing will have you gasping like Cameron Tucker from Modern Family. Don’t believe us? Read on for the round-up of the episode.
Goes without saying? MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD
1) Arya Stark is now Lanna
Arya Stark finally figured her way through the faceless man game and is seen working as a clam and cockles vendor. Jaqen has also handed her the task of poisoning a gambler playing with the lives of many innocent commoners and their families. Whether she’ll be able to do it or not will decide her fate.
2) Cersei Lannister has finally been shown the right place
In the end of the 7th episode of the series, Cersei was seen locked up under charges of murder, treason and incest. Things go further downhill as she is tortured, beaten up, kept thirsty and starving. The only way out for now is for her to confess her wrong doings to the High Sparrow, which she obviously decided not to.
3) Sansa finally finds out the truth about her brothers
In the middle of a rather heated conversation with Reek/Theon Grejoy, Sansa finds out that her brother Bran and Rickon were not murdered, contrary to the popular belief. Theon Greyjoy tells her that he hung and burnt two farm boys just to instil fear amongst the people of Winterfell as the Stark brothers managed to escape just in time.
4) Khaleesi and Tyrion Lannister discuss her possibility of taking over the seven kingdoms
While Tyrion Lannister is busy trying to convince Khaleesi to not kill him, the mother of dragons ensures him of the fact that she doesn’t care about the houses in the seven kingdoms. She left us feeling speechless with her closing line, “I am not going to stop the wheel, I am going to break the wheel”.
5) Jon Snow, the Wildlings and the dead army
Jon Snow and Tormund cross the sea to persuade the Wildlings to join forces with the Crows only to face the army of Whitewalkers a bit too early (Did someone say winter?). Were they prepared to fight them? NO, and that’s why this episode surpasses all the previous path breaking milestones of the series. Have we mentioned that the Whitewalker army doubled leaving Jon Snow wondering WTF!
Image courtesy:HBO